A dining club for hip, young Seattleites meets once a month for dinner and drinks. High jinks ensue.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Welcome everyone to the blog for our dining club (tentative name: Ladies Who Lunch).

About the club: We are a group of twenty- and thirty-somethings who live/work/play in Seattle and plan to visit a new restaurant every third Saturday of the month. We will aim to try somewhere that most people have never been to before so we can all enjoy lots of new culinary experiences.

Aaron - September 23
Hannah - October 21
Tia - November 18
Jerrod - December 16
Dan - January 2007
Federico - February 2007
Lenny - March 2007
Travis* - April 2007
Wendy - May 2007

*Travis, this list was alphabetical based on last names... but I didn't know your last name, so I just put you ahead of myself.

May I propose a few ground rules for the club?? Just a few to hopefully make this club work smoothly.

(1) Can whoever is organizing the group for the upcoming month (see list above) PLEASE post a little description about the restaurant - name if it's not a surprise, type of cuisine, price range, etc.? If you don't want to post it, send an email to a frequent poster and we will be happy to post on your behalf.

(2) Can we all make sure to RSVP to the month's organizer in advance -- we may be visiting some establishments that require reservations, especially for large groups. Maybe a week or two in advance? What say you all? And while we're on the topic of reservations, don't forget to use the account at Open Table. There's a permanent link to Open Table on the right side of the page as well. Use Rico's email address and the password provided earlier via email.

(3) Can we all try to bring cash each month to make things a little easier when it comes time to settle the tab?

Great. Now I'll get off my soapbox.

Yay, everyone -- I'm glad we're getting this off the ground!!


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